Seminars: Winter 2022
Friday, April 1: Carolina Caetano (Georgia)
"Identification and Estimation of Average Marginal Treatment Effects with a Bunching Design" (with Gregorio Caetano and Eric Nielsen)
Discussant: Hugo Jales (Syracuse)
Moderator: Anna Mikusheva (MIT)
Friday, March 18: Karun Adusumilli (Penn)
"Risk and optimal policies in bandit experiments"
Discussant: Stefan Wager (Stanford)
Moderator: Xiaohong Chen (Yale)
Friday, March 4: Ismael Mourifié (Toronto)
"Causal Effects in Matching Mechanisms with Strategically Reported Preferences" (with Marinho Berthana, Sebastián Gallegos, and Margaux Luflade)
Discussant: YingHua He (Rice)
Moderator: Jann Spiess (Stanford)
Friday, February 18: Alexei Onatski (Cambridge)
"Uniform asymptotics for weak and strong factors"
Discussant: Markus Pelger (Stanford)
Moderator: Martin Weidner (Oxford)
Friday, February 4: Whitney Newey (MIT)
"Automatic Debiased Machine Learning via Neural Nets for Generalized Linear Regression" (with Victor Chernozhukov, Victor Quintas-Martinez, Vasilis Syrgkanis)
Panelists: Max Farrell (Booth), Guido Imbens (Stanford), Michal Kolesár (Princeton)
Moderator: Isaiah Andrews (Harvard)